Aegean Islands
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R PAULA THE SEAL Dolphin Bay Right Wall 10     20           -
R KAVOURAS Dolphin Bay Left Wall 7 6a+   20     A Hafner, S Mühlbacher, C Schmidt 2005   -
R KOUTSOUMOURA Dolphin Bay Left Wall 18 5c+   18     Hafner A., Schmidt C. 2005   -
R LAVRAKI Dolphin Bay Left Wall 5 5b   28     H + J + J Weninger, C Schmidt, A Hafner 2005   -
R ROUFOS Dolphin Bay Left Wall 4 6a   25     A Hafner, S Mühlbacher, C Schmidt 2005   -
R SIGA-SIGA Dolphin Bay Left Wall 20 6a   18     Hafner A., Schmidt C. 2005   -
R SMINERI Dolphin Bay Left Wall 6 5b   20     Equipped by: A Hafner, S Mühlbacher, C Schmidt 2005   -
R TOO FAT FOR TUFAS Dolphin Bay Left Wall 3 6a   24     S McDonnell, A Hafner, C Schmidt 2005   -
R TSIPOURA Dolphin Bay Left Wall 19 5c   18     Hafner A., Schmidt C. 2005   -
R BARBOUNI Dolphin Bay Left Wall 9 6b+   20     H + J + J Weninger, C Schmidt, A Hafner 2006   -
R FLIPPER Dolphin Bay Left Wall 16 5c   20     Friedrich Joachim, Hommel Günter 2006   -
R KALYMNIAN LIGHTNING Dolphin Bay Left Wall 8 6b+   20     H + J + J Weninger, C Schmidt, A Hafner 2006   -
R AGELOS Dolphin Bay Right Wall 6 5b+   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2007   -
R CONTROLLING CREW Dolphin Bay Right Wall 1 5c+   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2007   -
R DIMITRA Dolphin Bay Left Wall 22 6a+   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2007   -
R RIGLOS Dolphin Bay Left Wall 13 5c   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2007   -
R TROKRAKHAN Dolphin Bay Left Wall 23 6a   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2007   -
R UNDER WISTERIA LANE Dolphin Bay Left Wall 25 5c+   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2007   -
R BLOOMING Dolphin Bay Left Wall 11 5b+   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2008   -
R BAKLAVA MANIAC Dolphin Bay Left Wall 21 6b   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R BLIND TEST Dolphin Bay Left Wall 26 5c+   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R COCO ROSE Dolphin Bay Right Wall 2 6a   20     Remy Claude 2009   -
R FESTIVAL 2009 Dolphin Bay Right Wall 4 5c   20     Remy Claude 2009   -
R IRÈNE Dolphin Bay Right Wall 5 5c   20     Remy Claude 2009   -
R IRIS PRODUCTION Dolphin Bay Left Wall 12 5b+   20     Remy Claude 2009   -
R KISS MY...AXE Dolphin Bay Right Wall 3 6a   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R LET THERE BE ROCK Dolphin Bay Left Wall 10 5c+   20     Remy Claude 2009   -
R ROUSSOS Dolphin Bay Left Wall 14 5c   20     Remy Claude 2009   -
R SALTED JOINT Dolphin Bay Left Wall 2 7a+   25     Hommel Günter, Friedrich Joachim 2009   -
R BANG BANG Dolphin Bay Right Wall 8 5a   14     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2010   -
R EASYLAND Dolphin Bay Right Wall 7 4c   10     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2010   -
R FOR VIP Dolphin Bay Right Wall 9 5c+   12     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2010   -
R PALAMIDA Dolphin Bay Left Wall 17 5c+   20     Hafner A., Schmidt C. 2010   -
R LENA Dolphin Bay Left Wall 24 6a+   20     Remy Claude, Remy Christine 2014   -
R TRY ME Dolphin Bay Left Wall 15 5c   20     Remy Claude, Remy Christine 2014   -
R MISSING SIGGI Dolphin Bay Left Wall 1 6c+   24     S Weber-Fetzer, N Rouyet, R Hammann 2016   -
  36 Routen
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