Aegean Islands
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Passive Discoverd Routen Boulder Klettersteig Sector Subsektor Wand routesetter Level Color
Routen Boulder Klettersteig Route Sector SectorSubName Wand line difficulty Grad User Klettermeter Haken Umlenker RoutenArt Routentype Sterne routesetter Datum Warning Topo
R Andros Styx François Guillot 14 6a   30 11 Schnapper Kamin
StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarMinus StarMinus StarMinus
Remy Claude & Yves 2002-04   -
R ANTONELLA Styx François Guillot 2 7b   40     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2006   -
R AQUILA Styx Olive 9 6c   27     L Salsotto, M Quaglia, A Langenbach 2014   -
R ATROPOS (KEEP ON SMILING) Styx Main 38 6a   18       2007   -
R BABELE Styx Olive 10 6c+   30     L Salsotto, M Quaglia, A Langenbach 2015   -
R BOLESKINE HOUSE Styx Main 17 6b+   28     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R BOLESKINE HOUSE EXT Styx Main 18 7a   36     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R BUNKER Styx Main 12 6a+   25     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R CHARLY’S CAT Styx Olive 4 6a+   25     C Brendel 2013   -
R CIRCUS Styx Emporios Portal 1 7a+   35     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2011   -
R COLORIA Styx François Guillot 3 6c   30     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2002   -
R CRASH Styx Emporios Portal 8 6c+   30           -
R CRAZY DREAM Styx Olive 12 5a   15     Friedrich Joachim, Hommel Günter 2009   -
R DRAGONER Styx Main 29 6b   18       2006   -
R EMPORIO Styx Olive 2 5b   20           -
R FIX Styx Olive 13 7b   15     Friedrich Joachim, Hommel Günter 2015   -
R FOR KIDS Styx Main 25 4a   20       2006   -
R GOLDEN TOP Styx Main 6 6a+   22     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R GUILLOT CORNER Styx François Guillot 5 5c+   31     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2002   -
R Guillot Corner + Extension Styx François Guillot 5 5c+   42 17 Schnapper Verschneidung
StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarMinus
Remy Claude & Yves 2002-04   -
R GUILLOT CORNER EXT Styx François Guillot 6 5c+   50     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2002   -
R HADES Styx Main 26 6c   20     Friedrich Joachim, Hommel Günter 2009   -
R HARMONIE Styx Main 35 5c   18       2007   -
R I love Kalymnos Styx François Guillot 4 6b   27 11 Schnapper Strukturierte Wand
StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarMinus StarMinus StarMinus
Remy Claude & Yves 2002-04   -
R INGO Styx Emporios Portal 2 6b   25     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2011   -
R INNUENDO Styx Main 22 6c   25     Buchs Gérard, Gobet Peter 2005   -
R IVAN IS GRAND Styx François Guillot 11 7a+   25     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2006   -
R JOHANNA Styx Main 10 6a   20       2008   -
R KALAVROS Styx Olive 1 5b   20           -
R KALITE Styx Olive 8 6c+   27     L Salsotto, M Quaglia, A Langenbach 2013   -
R KAPILOTRACTÉ Styx Main 28 6c+   15     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2007   -
R KILLBIT Styx Main 3 6c   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R KLOTHO (DO YOU REMEMBER?) Styx Main 36 5c+   18       2007   -
R LACHESIS (SIXPACK) Styx Main 37 5c   20       2007   -
R LENE Styx Main 9 6b   25     C Heinicke, A + C Riemer 2009   -
R LENINGRAD COWBOYS GO... Styx Main 24 6b   22     Buchs Gérard, Gobet Peter 2005   -
R LITLOST Styx Main 7 6b   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R LOUTRAKI Styx François Guillot 10 6c+   25     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2002   -
R MÄUSEKÖNING Styx Olive 3 6a+   25           -
R MECKERFRITZE Styx Olive 6 6b   25     Rohrmann Jürgen 2013   -
R MEDEA Styx Main 27 7b   15       2007   -
R METRO Styx Emporios Portal 4 6b   47     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2011   -
R MUSIC OF ROCK Styx François Guillot 8 6b+   25     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2002   -
R NISSIM Styx Main 15 6b+   25     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R NISSIM EXT Styx Main 16 6c   33     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R NO EXIT Styx Emporios Portal 3 6b   45     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2011   -
R OIL Styx Olive 11 7a+   22     Friedrich Joachim, Hommel Günter 2009   -
R OLIVE TREE Styx Olive 5 6a   25     Friedrich Joachim, Hommel Günter 2009   -
R OLIVENBAUM Styx Emporios Portal 5 6b+   25       2009   -
R Olivenbaum + Extension Styx Emporios Portal 6 6c   39 20 Schnapper Strukturierte Wand
StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarMinus StarMinus
  2009   -
R OLIVENBAUM EXT Styx Emporios Portal 6 6c+   40       2009   -
R OTAVI Styx Main 33 6b   18       2006   -
R PABLO-LUCA Styx Main 30 6a   18     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2007   -
R PAULINA Styx Main 8 6c   20       2007   -
R POCO LOCO Styx Main 34 6a+   18     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2007   -
R POETS WITHOUT WORDS Styx François Guillot 7 7c   35     Sakal 2018   -
R PORTOKALI TAXIDI Styx Main 32 6c   18     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2007   -
R PRALINE Styx Main 4 6b+   18     Arnold B., Arnold C. 2006   -
R RUHETAG Styx Emporios Portal 10 6b   25           -
R SCHNAPPI Styx Emporios Portal 7 5b   30     F + C Heinicke, A + C Riemer 2009   -
R SELECT Styx François Guillot 13 6c   30     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2002   -
R SFH Styx Olive 7 6b+   26     Rohrmann Jürgen 2013   -
R SILBERMOND Styx Main 21 6c   25     Heinicke F., Riemer A. 2008   -
R STACHET SCHWEIN Styx Main 11 6a+   20       2008   -
R Stadtaffe Styx Emporios Portal 8 7a   30 11 unknown Strukturierte Wand
StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarMinus StarMinus
Falk + Cathleen Heinicke, Anette + Cavin Renner 2009-10-22   -
R STADTAFFE (TOWN MONKEY) Styx Emporios Portal 9 7a   30     F + C Heinicke, A + C Riemer 2009   -
R STAMINA Styx Olive 14 6c   25     Hommel Günter, Friedrich Joachim 2010   -
R STRING SECRET Styx Main 2 6b   20     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R TEAM NO WERK Styx Main 14 6c   31     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R THE DEAL Styx Main 13 6b+   31     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R TINY TINA Styx François Guillot 9 6b+   25     Remy Claude, Remy Yves 2006   -
R TROLL Styx Main 31 6a+   15       2006   -
R TӦNERNER KRUG Styx Main 1 6a   22       2008   -
R WAITING FOR THE SPRING Styx Main 23 6b   22     Buchs Gérard, Gobet Peter 2005   -
R WARM BIER Styx François Guillot 12 7a+   30       2006   -
R ZIEGENSTALL Styx François Guillot 1 7c   54       2005   -
R ZOLOTAS Styx Main 19 6b   28     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R ZOLOTAS EXT Styx Main 20 7a   36     Girardin Boris, Remy Claude & Yves 2009   -
R ZUGABE Styx Main 5 6b   20     Arnold B., Arnold C. 2006   -
  79 Routen
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