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Milopita   6b+

Passive Discoverd Routen Boulder Klettersteig Sector Subsektor routesetter Level Color
Routen Boulder Klettersteig Route Sector SectorSubName line difficulty Grad User Klettermeter Haken Umlenker RoutenArt Routentype Sterne routesetter Datum Warning Topo
R Amandine Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 15 6a+   35     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Cern Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 4 7a   42     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R El Greco Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 1 6b   30     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Higgs Boson Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 3 6c   35     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Kali Chronia Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 5 6b+   37     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Kallinikos Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 8 6c+   37     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Makis Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 6 7a   37 14 Ring Strukturierte Wand
StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarPlus StarMinus
Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Michael Bachtis Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 2 6b   35     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Milopita Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 13 6b+ 7a 37 17 Ring Henkel
StarPlus StarPlus StarMinus StarMinus StarMinus StarMinus
Remy and Partners 2015   -
R NNGH Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 9 7a   37     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Petra Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 7 7a   37     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Polar circle Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 10 6c   37     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Pomel Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 16 6a   30     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Rousféti Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 11 6b+   37     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Seferis Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 14 6b+   35     Remy and Partners 2015   -
R Tavli Kokkinovrachos Rocspot 12 6c   37     Remy and Partners 2015   -
  16 Routen
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