Aegean Islands
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Passive Discoverd Routen Boulder Klettersteig Sector Subsektor Wand routesetter Level Color
Routen Boulder Klettersteig Route Sector SectorSubName Wand line difficulty Grad User Klettermeter Haken Umlenker RoutenArt Routentype Sterne routesetter Datum Warning Topo
R ALPINSTIL Inspiration Inspiration 1 7c+   134     R Schaeli, M Kementer, J Reinmueller 2015   -
R BEST OF 5 Inspiration Inspiration 8 5c   20     Montmory Simon 2010   -
R CHEBURASKA Inspiration Inspiration 2 6c+   50     Montmory Simon 2010   -
R CLASH OF THE TITANS Inspiration Clash of the Titans 1 6c+   35     Jenkin Gordon, Haden Francis 2015   -
R DISCOVERY Inspiration Inspiration 9 5c+   20     Montmory Simon 2010   -
R DISCOVERY EXT 1 Inspiration Inspiration 10 6c   40     Montmory Simon 2012   -
R DISCOVERY EXT 2 Inspiration Inspiration 11 7b+   60     Montmory Simon 2010   -
R EVOLUTION Inspiration Inspiration 6 6a+   25     Montmory Simon 2010   -
R EVOLUTION EXT Inspiration Inspiration 7 7b+   40     Montmory Simon 2010   -
R INSPIRATION Inspiration Inspiration 3 7b   135     Montmory Simon 2010   -
R LE PILIER Inspiration Inspiration 5 7c   40     Montmory Simon 2010   -
R MANU SCHMUTZ Inspiration Inspiration 13 7b+   35     Montmory Simon 2010   -
R THE DISCOVERY OF POSSIBLE Inspiration Inspiration 4 8b+   125     Montmory Simon 2018   -
R THE SIRENS CALL Inspiration Clash of the Titans 2 6a+   35     Jenkin Gordon, Haden Francis 2015   -
R THEFT OF FIRE Inspiration Clash of the Titans 4 5b   27     Jenkin Gordon, Haden Francis 2015   -
R TIGHTEN IT UP Inspiration Clash of the Titans 3 6b+   30     Haden Francis 2015   -
R TITAN Inspiration Clash of the Titans 5 6c   60     Jenkin Gordon, Haden Francis 2015   -
R TITAN X Inspiration Clash of the Titans 6 7b   60     Jenkin Gordon, Haden Francis 2015   -
R YANNIS LOVES RITA Inspiration Inspiration 12 6c+   30     Montmory Simon 2010   -
  19 Routen
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